Monday, August 3, 2009

BLOG Day One

I've made a decision today. I'm going to be a blogger. I have some friends that do and I like it. I'm not quite sure if I'm important enough to do this. I feel like I need a reason to blog, and we don't have kids (at least the human kind) yet, so I'm not quite sure if anyone will care to read this. But I'm putting it out there, just in case.

We've been married almost a year. Thats crazy! And, longer than we dated :). It's been a fun year - bought our first house, got another dog.

We've been talking about moving a lot lately. No time soon, but eventually. I've always said I wanted to live in Boston, but I'm wondering if thats the best thing. My new favorite thing to do is look at real estate that I have no intention of buying. I'm finding myself drawn to farms and the country more than the city. Why is this? Am I growing up? Thinking about kids? The thing is, I either want to raise my kids in the city or the country... NOT the suburbs. Suburbs have no life to them. They're manufactured images of what people think they want out of a community. I think I really liked where I lived in Virginia before we moved to North Carolina. Rolling hills and the ability to let your child go outside and play without worrying. When we left there, my parents had to look for the housekeys. No one we knew ever locked their car door, so my father, in his infinite wisdom, would turn the radio up, the windsheild wipers on, etc. It was his calling card. I also like the idea of being about to go out the door and walk my child to the museum or to get something to eat. The culture available in and urban setting is appealing too. Perhaps I should work on figuring out if we're ready for the child first, before worrying about where they'll be raised.

A few things I'm working on that I'll update:
-getting in to grad school
-running a half marathon (maybe!)
-getting out of debt (timely, don't you think?)

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