Because I'm the same as them.
Just without the looks, money, or purpose.
Back to the business at hand. Goals.
1. I weigh a lot
So, I didn't weigh myself before I set my weight loss goal. I weighed myself last week. I was a little saddened by the number that looking back at me. I'm not happy, but OK with it for now. If my career in health assessment has taught me anything, it's that you need baseline to set a goal because you need to know what you have to improve on. I have a lot of room for growth (or loss, as it were).
I made myself promise that I would drink more water. And I have - I'm down to a can of diet coke a day (you might have heard of their stock crashing recently because they lost their biggest buyer). I'm probably getting 80-90 ounces of water a day in.
I'm pretending the elevator is out of service. Even if I really want to take it.
I can't quit the candy. I just can't. Maybe if I master the workouts and the water and the elevators, maybe then. But I need something.
So, all in all, I'm satisfied with my efforts. My next weigh in should let me know if I should be, or if I'm sitting on a throne of lies.
2. My wallet does not weigh a lot
I've done the worst with this resolution. 1 week in and I'm already a failure. I have excuses, most of them sound something like "I packed my lunch but didn't have time to eat breakfast so I ate my lunch for breakfast and now it's 9am and I'm starving so I have to go buy lunch and 45 snacks since I'm doing these 5 minute workouts so I have to refuel." This week has been better than last. Next week will be better than this week.
On a positive money note, the tenants in our NC house let us know that the roof was leaking and we thought there was an issue with the furnace at our new place, one of which was free to fix and the other was less than $20, so I'd like to get credit for thousands of dollars saved on home repairs if I could.
Terrance did find out that he's getting a bonus at work, which we'll hopefully use to pay down some stuff and do some improvements on the house that we need. That will be nice.
Overall, I'd give myself a C on this one.
3. Purposely purposeful
This one is going pretty great. On a lark, I applied for a job at Harvard. They called me for an interview. NBD. Harvard University. The one in Cambridge, MA. John Kennedy's HARVARD. So maybe someday, someone somewhere will utter the phrase, "oh, you know Kelly? The one from Harvard?" Or I'll be hanging out with my new friends on The Cape and we'll be all like "I know the 18 foot sailboat is the better choice, but I really like that yacht" or something. In reality, I did some digging and the salary would make it tough to accept if they offer me the bottom of the range, I'll need to negotiate quite a bit. I kind of have to decide if taking a hit on goal 2 is worth achieving goal 3. And that's if I get an offer. I fully understand that there is not a large enough font for the weight of that if. But for a little bit, things are better. In the words of Joseph Addison, "three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."
I have the something to love, and now I have the something to hope for in my goal of something to do.
So there we have it. Not so bad for the first of the year, especially since winter finally arrived. (See below)
so. cold. |
My walk to work this morning. |